Community-based promotion of physical activity in Nepal (COBIN-PA)


Globally, one in four adults does not meet the WHO-recommended level of physical activity. Insufficient physical activity is the fourth leading risk factor, contributing to 9% of global premature mortality. PA is effective in weight management, cardiorespiratory fitness, and increasing quality of life. A high proportion (43.1%) of people living in semi-urban areas of Nepal are only engaged in low-level physical activity. Lack of knowledge and motivation are major barriers to physical activity in Nepal. Female Community Health Volunteers in Nepal are effectively contributing to community-based maternal, neonatal, child, and reproductive health, as well as to the detection and management of non-communicable diseases


To test the effectiveness of an FCHV-led community-based educational intervention in increasing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and improving cardiometabolic health, mental health, sleep quality, and quality of life among residents of semi-urban Pokhara.

Project Area:

Semi urban area of Pokhara Metropolitan City, Nepal (former Lekhnath Municipality)

Project Activities:

The project involves a 6-month, open-label, cluster-randomized controlled trial. FCHVs deliver household-based educational interventions, supported by checklists, flip charts, manuals, posters, booklets, and SMS reminders. Physical activity is objectively measured using accelerometers. Baseline and follow-up assessments include surveys and physiological measurements.


Center for Global Health, Aarhus University and Nepal Development Society

Project Lead:

Rajan Shrestha.


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