
Qualitative Research Training Nepal Development Society (NeDS) with the funding support of US state department had implemented the project namely Intervention Development Research for Trafficked Nepali Labor Migrants (ENSURE Nepal). From August 21 to 23, 2024, Nepal Development Society conducted a three (3) days interactive and participatory training program, combining theoretical learning with practical session...
The session commenced with a warm welcome to the invited guests, accompanied by a tea and coffee session. Participants then discussed various ongoing projects related to migration. In the second phase of the session, an overview of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) was shared, followed by the endorsement of the TAG Guidelines 20240513_Tehincal Advisory Group...
The workshop session was conducted by engaging the returnee labor migrant/survivors invited through the networks of PNCC and Pourakhi Nepal at Kaski district, Nepal. The main aim of the workshop was to understand the challenges/problem faced by returnee labor migrants and identify the potential intervention solution that could possibly inform the design of intervention program...
RAP Meeting under the JTIPS project The RAP meeting on 19 June 2024 was a key step in endorsing the RAP guidelines and gathering essential feedback on the research tools developed by the NEDS team. Various stakeholders, including Joint Trade Union Co-ordination (JTUCC), Anti-Human Trafficking Bureau (AHTB), National Network for Safer Migration (NNSM), National Human...
The name of the project is Intervention Development for Trafficked Nepali Labor Migrants, which shall also be named Enhanced Network for Safety and Occupational Health Utilization and Risk Evaluation, in short as ENSURE-Nepal. The project is funded by the United States Department of State and jointly managed by the four partners: La Isla Network Inc.,...